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Headaches are divided into primary and secondary. Migraine is a discomfort that people often experience in primary headaches. In this week’s article, we touched on what is curious about migraine. In the content of my article; How is migraine diagnosed?, Is there a cure for migraine?, What can I do to prevent migraine?, What are the causes of migraine?, What triggers migraine?, What causes migraine?, Is there a cure for migraine? You can access answers to questions about migraine treatment. 

What is Migraine?

Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by constant and severe headaches. In addition to headache, migraine attacks are accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. Migraine is one of the most common types of headache. Stress, genetic factors, sleep disorders, dehydration and unhealthy diet are among the causes of migraine. 

What are the Types of Migraine?

Migraine is a headache with varying symptoms and severity. Types include migraine with aura, chronic migraine, hemiplegic migraine, migraine with brainstem aura, ocular migraine, abdominal migraine, silent migraine, vestibular migraine. The type and treatment of migraine is determined by the symptoms experienced. In general, the most common types of migraine in humans are as follows: 

Migraine with aura: In migraine with aura, also called classic migraine, there are temporary neurological symptoms before the headache. It is as common as 30 percent. 

Migraine without aura: The most common type of migraine, migraine without aura is associated with severe headache attacks. The headache is usually one-sided and throbbing. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light may accompany the headache.

Chronic Migraine: The type of migraine that causes headaches on a regular basis is chronic. Chronic migraine negatively affects life. Migraine treatment is necessary for recovery. Chronic migraine has been linked to factors such as genetic predisposition and stress.

Eye Migraine: Eye migraine, also called retinal migraine, can cause temporary vision loss. Eye migraine causes sensitivity in one eye, followed by headache attacks.

What are the Symptoms of Migraine?

The main symptom of migraine, which is a common problem for millions of people, is an intense and severe headache. The pain usually ranges from moderate to severe and affects one or both sides of the head. Before the severe headache, migraine symptoms also lead to a decrease in quality of life and make people feel uncomfortable. Migraine symptoms are as follows: 

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to loud noises and light
  • Aura changes
  • Fluctuating or temporary visual disturbances
  • Fatigue and
  • Focusing problem is among the symptoms of migraine.

What Causes Migraine? What are the Factors that Trigger Migraine?

Migraine is a disorder caused by a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Daily environmental factors, activities, eating habits and genetic predisposition are the main causes of migraine. Although it varies from person to person, the causes of migraine are generally as follows:

  • Genetic predisposition is considered the primary cause of migraine. 
  • Imbalances in chemicals such as serotonin cause migraine. 
  • Environmental factors such as sudden weather changes, exposure to bright lights and loud noises, strong odors cause migraine attacks. 
  • Hormonal changes such as menstruation, pregnancy and menopause have an effect on migraine attacks.
  • Unhealthy diet; excessive consumption of foods and beverages such as processed foods, chocolate and caffeine triggers migraine attacks.
  • Factors such as stress, fatigue and insomnia are among the main triggers of migraine. 

How Long Do Migraine Attacks Last?

Migraine attacks can last between 4 hours and 72 hours. In general, the duration of a migraine attack depends on the severity of the headache, migraine treatment, physical health and the causes of migraine. It is recommended that people with migraine attacks quickly evaluate the treatment options that are most suitable for them. 

What is a Migraine Aura?

Migraine aura is the neurological symptoms experienced before and during migraine attacks. In most people, migraine aura lasts up to 1 hour before the headache. For people who experience migraine aura, these symptoms are a sign that the headache will start soon. Common types of migraine aura include tingling, numbness, visual disturbances, sensitivity to light and sound. 

Is Migraine Risky?

Migraine is basically a neurological disease that negatively affects quality of life. Risks and complications associated with migraine usually occur when migraine attacks are left untreated. Prolonged headache leads to chronic migraine, depression, sleep disorders and social isolation. Migraine has a direct impact on life. Therefore, professional help should be sought and migraine treatments should be evaluated to maintain quality of life and prevent chronicity. 

How is Migraine Diagnosed?

Migraine is a neurological disease and is diagnosed by a specialist based on the patient’s history and physical examination. For the diagnosis of migraine, the patient’s symptoms are first evaluated. The frequency and severity of headaches are learned. Then genetic predisposition is investigated. During the neurological examination, reflexes, muscle strength and sensory functions are checked. In addition, the criteria set by the International Headache Society for the diagnosis of migraine are taken into consideration. The criteria evaluated for the diagnosis of migraine are as follows:

  • At least 5 headache attacks
  • Headache persists for 4 to 72 hours
  • Headache of moderate or severe intensity
  • Factors such as vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light accompanying headache

How to Treat Migraine?

Many methods are used to relieve and treat migraine pain. Treatment is applied according to the severity, frequency and type of migraine. Regular sleep and nutrition form the basis of treatments to alleviate migraine symptoms. In addition, migraine treatment includes painkillers, rest, cold compresses, home methods such as shower, massage and botox injections. 

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