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In this week’s article, we will talk about the points that should be done to prevent sagging skin and improve the sagging face. From the content of our article; How to recover sagging face? What is the most effective solution to facial sagging? We will look for answers to topics such as. We wish you pleasant reading.

Why Does Skin Sagging Occur?

Skin sagging is a condition in which the skin loses its elasticity over time, loosening and sagging downwards. It occurs when skin tissue is damaged over time. Symptoms of skin sagging include facial contours, skin laxity and double chin appearance. In general, the factors that cause skin sagging can be summarized as follows:

  • As we age, the rate of renewal of skin cells begins to decrease and skin sagging occurs when the production of collagen and elastin, the source of skin elasticity, is insufficient.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun without sunscreen causes UV rays to penetrate the lower layers of the skin and damage the cells, causing aging and sagging of the face.
  • Sudden and excessive weight loss reduces the amount of adipose tissue under the skin; as the body cannot adapt to these changes, loosening and sagging of the skin occurs.
  • Genetic predisposition and changes in hormone levels can affect the health and quality of the skin.
  • Inadequate water intake, loss of moisture in the skin, use of chemical skin care products can damage the skin and cause sagging.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption affect blood circulation in the skin and slow down collagen production. This leads to aging and sagging of the skin.

How to Prevent Facial Sagging?

While skin treatments are one of the most effective ways to prevent facial sagging today, people can keep their skin healthy and vibrant with lifestyle changes, a healthy diet, natural skin care routines and regular exercise to slow down sagging skin. The important points that should be applied to prevent facial sagging are as follows:

Protecting the skin from sunlight is among the things to be considered to prevent sagging skin. Sunscreen cream and lotion should be used regularly; hats and glasses should be worn.

To support skin health, foods rich in collagen, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins should be consumed. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day and avoid unhealthy foods containing too much sugar.

Regular exercises that increase blood circulation should be done to support skin health. It is recommended to do daily facial exercises by exercising the facial muscles.

To maintain the moisture balance on the face, moisturizers with natural ingredients should be used regularly and chemical products should not come into contact with the skin.

Face Sagging Treatment

Facial sagging treatment is performed with different methods according to the degree of sagging, skin structure and personal wishes. While facelift and mid-facelift surgeries treat advanced sagging and aging, non-surgical medical treatments are preferred for mild and moderate skin sagging. Common treatments for the treatment of facial sagging are as follows:

Filler Applications for Facial Sagging

Filling applications for sagging on the face are preferred for reshaping skin contours and repairing volume loss.It helps to increase the elasticity of the body tissue by moisturizing the skin with hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite.

Ways to Prevent Skin Sagging PRP

One of the ways to prevent sagging skin is PRP treatment. PRP injected under the skin prevents sagging by increasing collagen and elastin production, supports the renewal of skin cells and helps tissue repair by accelerating blood circulation.

The Best Solution to Facial Sagging Mid Face Treatment

Mid-face treatment is among the most effective solutions for facial sagging. Mid-facial treatment nourishes the lower layers of the skin by using multiple active ingredients according to the needs of the skin, moisturizing, tightening and increasing elasticity. By improving skin quality, it alleviates the signs of aging on the entire face.

What to Do to Prevent Facial Sagging?

To prevent facial sagging; contact Dr. Eren Ünal! Dr. Eren Ünal offers a personalized mid-face treatment to treat sagging skin. You can contact us and make an appointment to treat your facial sagging. For information about other treatments; Mid Face Treatment, Mesotherapy, PRP, Paris Glow, Exosome Stem Cell Treatment, you can browse our pages.

Is it possible to slow down facial sagging?
Can facial sagging be treated?
How to recover sagging face? What recovers sagging skin?
Sagging face is recovered in a short time with mid-face treatment.

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