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Under Eye Mesotherapy

What is Under Eye Mesotherapy?

Under-eye mesotherapy is a treatment that improves skin problems around the eyes. Under-eye mesotherapy improves bruising, swelling, skin tone irregularities and wrinkles under the eyes by injecting special biocompatible ingredients into the skin. Under-eye mesotherapy content helps the skin to regenerate and have a healthy structure.

What Does Under Eye Mesotherapy Do?

Under-eye mesotherapy moisturizes the skin and helps to eliminate fine lines and dryness. Vitamins and minerals brighten the skin and improve pigmentation problems. Under-eye mesotherapy content increases collagen and elastin production, providing a youthful appearance under the eyes.

In Which Cases is Under-Eye Mesotherapy Applied?

Under-eye mesotherapy is applied to improve skin problems around the eyes. Basically, under-eye mesotherapy; It is an effective treatment for solving problems around the eyes such as under-eye bruises, under-eye bags, fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, dry skin, tired appearance.

Who is Under Eye Mesotherapy Suitable for?

Under-eye mesotherapy is suitable for people who want to treat skin problems around the eyes. People over 18 years of age and healthy individuals can have under-eye mesotherapy whenever they want. In general, people with the following problems prefer under-eye mesotherapy:

Those with fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes

People with fluid accumulation under the eyes

Loss of skin elasticity under the eyes

Loss of skin elasticity under the eyes

Those with bruises under the eyes

How is Under Eye Mesotherapy Performed?

Under-eye mesotherapy is injected into the skin with the help of fine-tipped micro-needles. Before the application, the eye area is sterilized and local anesthetic cream is applied. After the cream takes effect, the procedure takes about 15 minutes. Under-eye mesotherapy injections are applied to provide a symmetrical and balanced appearance.

How Many Sessions of Under Eye Mesotherapy?

Under-eye mesotherapy is applied in 5 sessions. There is a period of 15 to 21 days between sessions. However, the number of sessions of under-eye mesotherapy may vary depending on the degree of deformations under the eyes.The number of under-eye mesotherapy sessions is decided as a result of the evaluations made by the specialist during the preliminary examination.

Is Under Eye Mesotherapy Permanent?

Under-eye mesotherapy is a treatment that supports skin regeneration and repair. It improves the structure of the skin and provides long-term benefits. However, the results of under-eye mesotherapy last for 12 months and it is recommended to repeat the application periodically to maintain permanent results.

Is Under Eye Mesotherapy Painful?

Mesotherapy applied to the eye area is not a painful procedure. Local anesthetic cream ensures that no pain is felt during the application. Only a slight sensitivity is felt after under-eye mesotherapy. Recovery occurs after a few hours.

Under Eye Mesotherapy Side Effects

Side effects of under-eye mesotherapy include redness and edema. Generally considered safe, under-eye mesotherapy has the same side effects as any medical procedure. The side effects of under-eye mesotherapy can be summarized as follows:

  • Infection
  • Bloating
  • Itching
  • Bruising
  • Sensitivity

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      Things to Consider Before and After Under Eye Mesotherapy

      The things to be considered before and after under-eye mesotherapy increase the permanence of the procedure and help it to be applied safely. In general, the factors that people who have under-eye mesotherapy should pay attention to are as follows:

      Consultation with the doctor is made before under-eye mesotherapy. The specialist examines your skin type and creates a suitable under-eye mesotherapy treatment protocol in line with your needs. Any medication or allergies should be shared with the specialist.

      Before undergoing under-eye mesotherapy, blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen or herbal teas should be stopped at least 1 week before the treatment. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

      The skin is cleaned before under-eye mesotherapy. Then local anesthetic cream is applied to the skin. The treatment is applied when the skin starts to numb.

      For the first 24 hours after under-eye mesotherapy, do not take a shower, do not apply make-up and only personal care products should be used afterwards.

      Under Eye Mesotherapy Price

      Under-eye mesotherapy price is determined according to the content of the application, the quality of the products and the number of sessions. You can contact us to get information about under-eye mesotherapy prices and to be pre-examined, you can make an appointment from our clinic.

      Under Eye Mesotherapy Istanbul

      Dr. Eren Ünal helps his clients to have young and healthy skin with personalized under-eye mesotherapy treatment. You can contact us to have under-eye mesotherapy in Istanbul and to get information about under-eye mesotherapy prices, you can make an appointment at our clinic in Levent.

      Is there any harm in under-eye mesotherapy?
      What are the ingredients of under-eye mesotherapy?
      How is under-eye mesotherapy applied?

      Under-eye mesotherapy is applied by injection into the skin. The content specially prepared according to skin deformations is injected evenly under the eye.

      Is mesotherapy applied under the eyes?

      Yes, mesotherapy is applied under the eyes. Under-eye mesotherapy helps to maintain a healthy and renewed appearance.

      Who is not eligible for under-eye mesotherapy?
      Under-eye mesotherapy is not applied to those with skin conditions such as active infection, eczema, psoriasis, pregnant and breastfeeding women.