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Hand Mesotherapy

What is Hand Mesotherapy?

Hand mesotherapy is a treatment that improves skin quality, corrects pigmentation problems and repairs skin moisture loss. It is applied by injecting beneficial substances such as biocompatible vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants into the lower layer of the skin. Hand mesotherapy provides a natural improvement in the skin by increasing collagen and elastin production.

What are the Symptoms of Hand Aging?

Hands are one of the first areas to show signs of aging. In the natural aging process, factors such as loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, decrease in adipose tissue and slowing of cell renewal are the causes of deformity in the hands. The signs of aging in the hands are as follows:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles on the hand
  • Loose and sagging skin
  • Vascular and bony prominence
  • Sun spots, hand discoloration
  • Hardening of the tissue of the hand
  • Volume loss in the fatty tissue under the hand

Who Can Have Hand Mesotherapy?

Hand mesotherapy is for people who want to improve the quality of their skin and reduce the signs of aging on their hands. Among hand rejuvenation procedures, hand mesotherapy is often preferred as a permanent treatment. For the procedure, it is sufficient to be over 18 years old and have a healthy skin structure.

How is Hand Mesotherapy Performed?

Hand mesotherapy is performed using the injection method. Before starting the procedure, the hands are cleaned and thoroughly disinfected. Then a local anesthetic cream is applied. The cream prevents possible pain during the procedure.  A certain amount of the treatment content is injected into the lower layer of the hand. The procedure takes about 15 minutes on average.

How Many Sessions are Required for Hand Mesotherapy?

Four sessions are required for hand mesotherapy. The number of sessions is determined by the specialist according to the needs of the skin and the wishes of the person. The number of sessions is determined by the specialist according to the needs of the skin and the wishes of the person. Hand mesotherapy session intervals are 15 to 30 days.

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      Is Hand Mesotherapy Permanent?

      Hand mesotherapy helps the skin tissue to repair itself in the long term. Nutrients stimulate cell regeneration in the hand and provide a lifelong treatment. The benefits of hand mesotherapy last for 12 months. After that, it is recommended to repeat at regular intervals to encourage the revitalization of the hands.

      Is Hand Mesotherapy a Painful Treatment?

      Hand mesotherapy is not a painful treatment. During the treatment, a local anesthetic cream is applied to the hands. The local anesthetic cream numbs the hands to prevent any pain from the injection. Only skin sensitivity may be felt for a few hours after mesotherapy is applied on the hand.

      What are the Side Effects of Hand Mesotherapy?

      Hand mesotherapy is among the safe procedures. However, the side effects of every medical and aesthetic procedure also apply to hand mesotherapy. Rare temporary hand mesotherapy side effects can be summarized as follows:

      • Sensitivity
      • Swelling
      • Edema
      • Redness
      • Bruising
      • Itching

      Things to Consider Before and After Hand Mesotherapy

      Before hand mesotherapy, the skin quality is evaluated by the specialist and a personalized treatment protocol is created. During the preliminary examination, the specialist should be informed about the medical history.

      It is recommended not to consume blood thinners and herbal teas for at least 1 week before hand mesotherapy.Information about the medications and vitamins to be used should be given.

      Hot water should not be applied to the skin for the first 24 hours after hand mesotherapy. Contact with water should be avoided in order not to reduce the effect of the procedure.

      To prevent the risk of infection after hand mesotherapy, it is recommended not to enter the pool, solarium or sauna for a few days. In the first days, only personal care products and moisturizers should be used.

      Hand Mesotherapy Prices

      Hand mesotherapy prices vary according to the content of the application, the quality of the products used, the experience of the specialist and the number of sessions. You can contact us for personalized planning and information about hand mesotherapy prices.

      Hand Mesotherapy in Istanbul

      Dr. Eren Ünal offers solutions tailored to the needs of his patients by preparing personalized hand mesotherapy procedures in his private practice in Levent. You can call us or visit our office to have hand mesotherapy or just to get information.

      How is hand mesotherapy applied?
      Who cannot undergo hand mesotherapy?
      What are the methods used in hand rejuvenation?

      Hand mesotherapy stands out among the methods used in hand rejuvenation. In hand mesotherapy, the signs of aging are reduced, the moisture balance of the skin is maintained by using natural beneficial substances and cell renewal is encouraged. A brighter and more vibrant skin appearance is achieved.

      How long does the effect of hand mesotherapy last?

      The first effect of hand mesotherapy lasts up to 12 months.