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Enzymatic Lipolysis Treatment

What is Enzymatic Lipolysis?

Enzymatic lipolysis is a treatment applied to remove fat accumulation in the body. Thanks to lipolytic enzymes, fat cells in the body are broken down and naturally excreted by the body. Enzymatic lipolysis gives the body a firmer and slimmer appearance without the need for surgery.

Enzymatic Lipolysis Results: How Does It Work?

Enzymatic lipolysis is the injection of lipolytic enzymes into the skin that break down fat cells. The biocompatible enzymes break down the membranes of fat cells and convert the triglycerides inside them into free fatty acids and glycerol. In this way, fat deposits are metabolized by the liver through the bloodstream and excreted from the body.

Who is Enzymatic Lipolysis Applied to?

Enzymatic lipolysis is applied to people who have regional adiposity problems and want to improve their body shape. In general, people who prefer enzymatic lipolysis for body shaping are as follows:


Those experiencing regional adiposity


Those who want to emphasize their facial features


Those who want to get rid of postpartum fat deposits


People with double chin problems

How is Enzymatic Lipolysis Performed?

Enzymatic lipolysis is performed with mesotherapy technique. Before the application, the target area is determined and the fat ratio and skin structure of the person are evaluated. Local anesthetic cream is applied to the relevant area. After the cream takes effect, a solution containing lipolytic enzymes prepared specially for the person with fine-tipped needles is injected into the skin. Enzymatic lipolysis application is completed within 30 minutes on average.

Which Areas Is Enzymatic Lipolysis Applied?

Enzymatic lipolysis is preferred for areas that need regional thinning and shaping. Enzymes break down the fat cells in the area and the fat is absorbed by the body. Enzymatic lipolysis is usually applied to the abdomen, cheeks, arms, legs, around the chest and breasts in men.

How Many Sessions Does Enzymatic Lipolysis Work?

Enzymatic lipolysis is performed in 3 sessions 15 days apart. The number of sessions may vary according to the needs of the person. Although the first effects are seen after the first session, the final results are seen from the 6th week after the procedure is completed.

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      Enzymatic Lipolysis Advantages

      The most important advantage of enzymatic lipolysis is that it provides effective results without surgical procedure. Due to its natural content, the body metabolizes fats naturally by using them as energy. Apart from these, the advantages and benefits of enzymatic lipolysis are as follows:

      • Provides permanent results
      • Helps slimming without losing weight
      • Effective in a short time
      • It clarifies body contours

      Is Enzymatic Lipolysis Effective in Weight Loss?

      Enzymatic lipolysis is not a slimming treatment. The aim of the treatment is to reduce regional fat deposits that cannot be removed by diet and exercise. Resistant fat deposits are broken down by enzymatic lipolysis and removed from the body. Therefore, enzymatic lipolysis can be considered an effective method for body shaping, not weight loss.

      Enzymatic Lipolysis Side Effects

      Enzymatic lipolysis is not a risky procedure. The side effects of enzymatic lipolysis, which is a non-surgical method, are generally mild and temporary. Common enzymatic lipolysis side effects are as follows:

      • Edema
      • Swelling
      • Sensitivity
      • Pain
      • Redness
      • Bruising
      • Itching
      • Allergic Reaction

      Before and After Enzymatic Lipolysis: What You Need to Know

      The things to be considered before and after enzymatic lipolysis are of great importance in terms of a safe application as well as increasing the permanence of the procedure. In general, the things to be known in the enzymatic lipolysis process are as follows:

      • Muscle measurement is performed in detail before enzymatic lipolysis is applied to the skin. After the procedure, the fat ratio and muscle ratio are checked.
      • Attention should be paid to the use of aspirin, blood thinners and supplements before the application. These supplements may cause bleeding during the procedure and delay healing.
      • A slight bruising may occur in the treated area. Although the bruises disappear spontaneously within 2 weeks, the process can be accelerated by applying cream.
      • After enzymatic lipolysis, processed food, excessively spicy foods should be avoided for at least one month, and a personalized diet list with high nutritional value foods should be adopted. Daily water consumption should be paid attention.
      • Alcohol and smoking should be avoided for 2 weeks before and after enzymatic lipolysis.
      • Light walks are recommended after enzymatic lipolysis to help lymphatic circulation. Healthy nutrition, weight control and exercises allow for long-term successful results.

      Enzymatic Lipolysis Prices

      Enzymatic lipolysis prices vary according to the number of sessions, the area treated, the quality of the materials used and the experience of the specialist. You can contact us for information about enzymatic lipolysis fees.

      Enzymatic Lipolysis Istanbul

      Dr. Eren Ünal applies enzymatic lipolysis protocol to his patients in Istanbul. If you want to reduce regional fat and shape body contours, we are just a phone call away! For more information about enzymatic lipolysis treatment, you can contact us directly.

      How many sessions is lipolysis performed?
      How long does enzymatic lipolysis take?
      Does enzymatic lipolysis cause weight loss?
      Enzymatic lipolysis is a treatment applied to reduce existing stubborn fats rather than weight loss.
      How are the fats broken down by enzymatic lipolysis removed from the body?
      Fat cells broken down by enzymatic lipolysis are metabolized through the lymphatic system and liver and are naturally eliminated from the body.